What a great Saturday I had................
A weekend off from the farm and what will I do ...
Carrara Markets....
haven't been for ages....so 8.30 am I arrived all by myself......................
list in my hand ..... what wonderful bargains found.....
below you will see a block(Stack & Slash)
which I am making a Queen size Quilt for the FARM..........
the bedside table
(all furniture in bedroom is white... needs colour)
found these beautiful flowers that Match so beautifully.....
I must say that after spending 4 1/2 hours at the Markets
I have delivered the Quilt
to the Machine Quilter and it is having a design all over
Asian Garden...
about 5 weeks and it will be finished ...I am so excited with the Quilt Top so fresh looking....

Material above for another
Stack & Slash Quilt
will carry it around.........
looking for about 3 colours that blend in

Denim Jacket New $10.00 & Glitter shoes & Motif to iron on jacket
for Grand- daughter Elia

Fresh Cherries so sweet

Thanks For Visiting