Christmas Break With
Kylie John Ed & Elia
As we leave the wet weather behind in Brisbane
was nice to arrive in
NZ (Christchurch to a windy but dry day)
After our first night...up early and on our way camping ...
Just 45 minutes up the road ...but you really feel the beautiful
just 5 minutes out of the City
We (mum & dad)
slept in a very comfortable self contain Cabin...
The tent was just outside our door
each morning ED & Elia
would come in and have breakfast...
so lovely to see little faces....when you awake ..
Day 1
Putting up what they call a Flick up Tent
And then off on a Train ride around the mountains ...
Usually it's a Stream Train
with all the heat and wind's it was cancelled and the Normal Train was used
most enjoyable

The view from the Train

Just Starting

Kylie (Daughter)
Holding Flick Up Tent

When I was a Little Girl
My Father had a Zephyr
but pink
Thanks For Visiting