Little Riley No (2) Grandson arrived on Thursday afternoon............
pulling his overnight bag ...might I add its almost as big as Riley............ Grannie (me) & Riley off to the show .............After a 3 kilometre line of traffic trying to just enter the show parking area...we made it .....
As we enter the gates and walk up to side show alley..............I will never forget the look on this little fellows face..............He didn't know where to look ....and his face was shinning like the sun..............
I have posted pictures of Quilts that were on display and from the Salvation Army ...our Lizzie did well...
As we enter the gates and walk up to side show alley..............I will never forget the look on this little fellows face..............He didn't know where to look ....and his face was shinning like the sun..............
I have posted pictures of Quilts that were on display and from the Salvation Army ...our Lizzie did well...
It amazes me with Lizzie's designs well done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
After a long day.....arriving home Riley had a bath and Tea and then Said good night Grannie
I Love You........................
I Love You........................